A critically acclaimed and award winning movie debut is a comic Coming of Age Road Movie written by Raymond Friel and Derek Boyle. Produced by Kathy Speirs. Starring Tara Lee, Jack Parry Jones, Christy O’Donnell, Jamie Sives, Claire Cage, Shauna Macdonald, Niall Greig Fulton, Tanya Franks, Kate Bracken, Denis Lawson, Tam Dean Burn.

Soundtrack by Anton Newcombe and the Brian Jonestown Massacre.

Premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival 2016, with four sell out screenings and was subsequently chosen for Best of the Fest.

MOON DOGS – awards and nominations

Best International First Feature at the Galway Film Fleadh 2016 // AUDIENCE AWARD and GERMAN DISTRIBUTORS AWARD at The International Mannheim/Heidelberg Film Festival // JURY AWARD for BEST FILM at the Newport Beach Int Film Festival 2017 // Nomination for BEST FILM at BAFTA SCOTLAND // Won BAFTA CYMRU BEST ACTOR for JACK PARRY JONES